EVM-Lite Utils

This package provides useful utility functions which help use other libraries.


One of the more important classes this package exports is the Currency class. This will help you convert and do any arithmetic with the underlying currency of an evm-lite node.

The constructor for this class either takes a BigNumber or a string representing the number of tokens and the denomination.

The denominations of a Token are:

1 / 1 000 000 000 000 000 000           atto        (a) 10^-18
1 / 1 000 000 000 000 000               femto       (f) 10^-15
1 / 1 000 000 000 000                   pico        (p) 10^-12
1 / 1 000 000 000                       nano        (n) 10^-9
1 / 1 000 000                           micro       (u) 10^-6
1 / 1 000                               milli       (m) 10^-3
1                                       Token       (T) 1

Example (Transfer)

We want to transfer from 0xd352d81c10266ead1a0ef87db12e9ce6ba68abf5 to 0x69c68dd72d71f784682c05776b0fb6f739549395 a value of 500T (500 Tokens).

We would first make sure we have a running node. Then send the transfer using the abstraction provided by the Node object.

// Import node object
const Node = require('evm-lite-core').default;
const { Account } = require('evm-lite-core');

// Import currency modules
const { Currency } = require('evm-lite-utils');

// Generate account from privatekey for address `0xd352d81c10266ead1a0ef87db12e9ce6ba68abf5`
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey('PRIVATE_KEY');

// Create node object
const node = new Node('HOST', 8080);

    // You can do this with any other denomination

Example (Conversion)

We can also convert from one denomination to another very easily using the Currency.format method. Say we wanted to convert 300m * 200n (300 milli * 200 nano) tokens to T.

const am1 = new Currency('300m');
const am2 = new Currency('200n');

// this can be done for any denomination