EVM-Lite Datadir

A data directory for a client-sided EVM-Lite application takes the following structure:

Example: MonetCLI (~/Library/MONET)

├── keystore
│   ├── node0.json
│   ├── node1.json
├── monetcli.toml

The keystore is where all keyfiles will be stored and monetcli.toml is the configuration file where defaults for connection details and transaction attributes are stored.

This module one default class DataDirectory which allows you to interact with the directory structure explained above.



The constructor for a DataDirectory object takes the following values:

constructor(public readonly path: string, configName: string, private readonly keystore?: K)

Where K is any class which extends the AbstractKeystore class exposed by evm-lite-keystore.

More formally:

class DataDirectory<K extends AbstractKeystore>

Example (ES5)

const { default: DataDirectory } = require('evm-lite-core');
const { default: Keystore } = require('evm-lite-keystore');

const keystore = new Keystore('path/to/keystore');
const datadir = new DataDirectory('path/to/directory', 'CONFIG_NAME', keystore);


Reads the configuration file with the name provided in the constructor for the DataDirectory object.

Definition (TS)

readConfig(): Promise<IConfiguration>


Saves a new configuration to the file.

Definition (TS)

saveConfig(schema: IConfiguration): Promise<void>


Creates a new keyfile with the specified passphrase and places it in the data directories keystore folder.

Definition (TS)

newKeyfile(moniker: string, passphrase: string, path?: string): Promise<IV3Keyfile>


Fetches a keyfile by moniker from the respective keystore directory.

Definition (TS)

getKeyfile(moniker: string): Promise<IV3Keyfile>


Returns an object with the key as moniker and the value as the JSON keyfile.

Definition (TS)

listKeyfiles(): Promise<IMonikerKeystore>


Updates the passphrase for a keyfile if the old passphrase is known.

Definition (TS)

updateKeyfile(moniker: string, oldpass: string, newpass: string): Promise<IV3Keyfile>


Imports a specified keyfile to the keystore of the data directory.

Definition (TS)

importKeyfile(moniker: string, keyfile: IV3Keyfile): Promise<IV3Keyfile>