Getting Started

If you need to get any EVM-Lite JS modules into your project, you can do so by running the following command depending on what package manager you are using and which module you would like to install.

For evm-lite-core :


$ npm install evm-lite-core@1.0.0


$ yarn add evm-lite-core@1.0.0


After that, you will need to create a Node instance and a consensus client depending on what you are trying to connect to.

For a Monet node, we use Babble as our consensus algorithm hence we would need a Babble client.

Note: If you are using a custom node with a different consensus, you will need to write your implementation for the client and it must extend IAbstractConsensus from evm-lite-consensus

// The default export of `evm-lite-core` is `Node`
const { default: Node } = require('evm-lite-core');

// We also need to the Babble class
const { Babble } = require('evm-lite-consensus');

// Create a babble client
const babble = new Babble('', 8080 /* default 8080 */);
// Set consensus for node in the third parameter
const node = new Node('', 8080, babble);